You may know of dental floss as an essential part of your dental hygiene routine, but did you know that there are different types of dental floss? Like toothbrushes & toothpaste, which kind is best for you depends on your unique dental needs.
Waxed Floss
Waxed floss is probably the most common kind of dental floss. Dentists & hygienists usually use waxed floss because of its durability.
This floss is made up of dozens of fine strands of nylon twisted together into a single string. The nylon string is then coated with wax, which helps prevent the strands from shredding or breaking during use. The main downside of waxed floss is that the wax coating can make it hard to fit into particularly tight spaces between teeth if your teeth are closer together.
Unwaxed Floss
Like waxed floss, unwaxed floss is made up of a nylon string, but like its name suggests, unwaxed floss is not finished off with a coating of wax. The lack of wax coating makes it easier to fit & slide between teeth, but the lost protection of the wax means it’s much more prone to fraying.
Both waxed & unwaxed floss are great for people with relatively healthy teeth & gums—try out both & see which you like best!
Eco-Friendly Floss
If you’re trying to reduce your impact on the environment, there are plenty of eco-friendly floss options available that are made with silk or bamboo fiber. Many companies that sell these flosses also provide reusable containers & send refills in biodegradable packaging, so you can avoid using a new plastic container each time you run out.
If you aren’t sure which type of floss is best for you, please always feel free to ask us about what floss we recommend for you during your next visit. We’re always happy to give you advice on how to best care for your teeth at home on a daily basis.
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